I'm still on pain meds - but I *think* I'm making more sense today.
Honestly? I was drugged out of my mind yesterday! I have never, ever, before attempted to write with that level of drugs in my system.
I apologize. (Even though a lot of you wrote to tell me you laughed quite a bit at yesterday's post!)
By tomorrow I, hopefully, won't need to be taking pains meds anymore. Today I'm still a little looped, but I'm only taking one pain pill at a time ... which is still a lot because they're very strong, but not as much as yesterday.
Rambling much?
Last June I wrote about my college boyfriend finding me via Facebook. It came as quite a shock because up until that time I believed I was invisible. Sort of.
I don't get on Facebook very often and my facebook account is primarily there as a writing tool. When I joined FB I didn't enter my high school or college info into my profile because I didn't want anyone finding me. I wasn't interested in delving into the past. Over time, however, some non-blogging friends have found and connected with me there.
The other day I was checking facebook and on a whim, without even a millisecond of thought, I typed the name of a long ago friend into the search box. Up popped the friend - right in front of my very eyes. It's a male friend, of course. Ninety eight percent of my friends during my life have been of the male persuasion.
The friend is someone I knew from kindergarten through high school graduation. This is someone who I was very close to until about 10th grade when we drifted apart as we got involved in different things in high school. He got interested in things like being Class President, Head Jock, and Valedictorian and I got interested in .... hmmmm???
Being an awkward teen?
My old friend is now a doctor and lives in the mid-west. Once I found Mr. Doctor, I glanced at his friend list and saw many of my old high school cronies.
First I looked for Bitchiest Mean Girl. This particular girl was the meanest female ever to walk on the planet earth. She took pride in shredding girls like me to pieces with her finely manicured nails. She was evil incarnate.
She now looks like hell and I couldn't be happier about it.
Next, I couldn't resist looking to see if my first-ever crush was listed on Mr. Doctor's friend page. They had been best friends.
He was.
I pulled up Crush's profile. The "boy" who dumped me for a cheerleader (boo hiss!), the first boy to break my heart ... was in a photo right in front of me. Did I mention Crush also proceeded to stomp on my heart repeatedly and, seemingly, with an immense amount of pleasure for several years?
(Not that I remember it or anything.)
Now Crush looks twenty years older than I do.
I'm not exactly a prize myself, I realize that ... but!
Honestly, I am in my forties twenty four (as is he) and his picture makes him look like he's at least in his mid-sixties.
Am I a terrible person if I confess, seeing his picture gave me a small sense of satisfaction?
This isn't a photo of him, but the good looking boy who once held my heart now looks very similar to this man:
You think I'm joking, don't you?
I'm not!
It took me a few minutes to fully comprehend it was the same person I once knew and, I hate to admit, longed for. I stared, and I stared, and I stared a little longer at his photo in an effort to get my brain to accept what my eyes were seeing.
Have you experienced this type of Facebook Time Warp?
I just can't get over it!
© Twenty Four At Heart
OH YES. I've started to reconnect with quite a few old high school friends via Facebook, and while I have had occasion to say "Gee - that person hasn't changed a bit!" I spend a LOT of time going, "OMG - what HAPPENED to them???" This was particularly true of one friend - I mean, I recognized her from her photo (which has not always been the case; some people have really changed), but yes - she looked like she was on the other side of 60, and she's a year younger than me.
But I expect I'm getting similar reactions; after all, it's been 30 damn years since high school and I'm holding my grandson in my current profile pic.
Posted by: Jan | November 19, 2009 at 03:59 AM
Not on Facebook, but about 5 years ago I built a class website and in the process located many old classmates. Some looked great and others, well, I'll just say it was rather sad. Genetics, life circumstances, illness, financial woes..... they all play a large role in damaging our looks.
I found that when I met many of them that their personalities were the same except that most had mellowed out. Oh, and the cheerleaders could no longer jump quite as high.
Posted by: di | November 19, 2009 at 04:43 AM
Not on Fb but DEFINITELY at our 20th high school reunion last November. Most everybody looked fantastic but there were 3 people that looked...well..lets just say less than fantastic. As a matter of fact, I STILL don't believe it was them.
Posted by: Hallie | November 19, 2009 at 05:28 AM
I come from a really small town and see about 75% of the kids I went to highschool with at least 3 times a year so I'm up on what most of them still look like, but I do have to say that the mean people? Have definitely gotten theirs...
Posted by: cute~ella | November 19, 2009 at 05:44 AM
Oh, this is funny!
Since my 30 year HS reunion, quite a few of us have connected on Facebook and it's actually kind of fun. Several of these people are "friends" with my old heart throb and I was evilly delighted to see the thinning hair and extra pounds. I'm hoping he sees my photos and pines away for what he lost so long ago (wow, I should be writing soap-operas, huh?)...
Hope the arm feels a little better!
Posted by: Maureen@IslandRoar | November 19, 2009 at 06:04 AM
You mean you aren't still attracted to him now that he looks like THAT? ha ha
I ran into an old BF and he hadn't changed much but I took delight in the fact that he was his wife and she was fugly! Bad? Probably but it made me feel good.
Posted by: Kelly | November 19, 2009 at 06:27 AM
Holding up well is great revenge. And sometimes a non-violent revenge is exactly what's required:).
Posted by: LPC | November 19, 2009 at 06:56 AM
I completely understand what you mean ... it's the 'OMGosh what the hell happened to you?' reaction ...
Posted by: The Queen of Chaos | November 19, 2009 at 08:29 AM
Just more proof that Father Time is a mean sumbitch.
Posted by: Mike Krause | November 19, 2009 at 08:40 AM
LOL! I admit I let out a *snort* when I saw that photo!
Posted by: Kate | November 19, 2009 at 09:30 AM
Yes, I have experienced the facebook time warp, which is odd, since I am less than 15 years out. The weight thing for both genders and balding for guys just shocked me. I've put on a good 30 lbs since 17, but I'm talking some serious gain. Other people who were more awkward seemed to have just blossomed once they got out of the toxic oc.
Posted by: jen | November 19, 2009 at 10:32 AM
I just LOL at my desk at work at that picture. Too funny.
Posted by: Kristin | November 19, 2009 at 10:45 AM
My HS bf who cheated and dumped me? Totally balding. And chubbawubba! The girl unfortunately who was my former friend that he chose for cheating with? Still beautiful. Of course. That bitch!
Posted by: Lexi - @laprimera | November 19, 2009 at 11:34 AM
OMG! I think I just peed myself! That's hysterical!!!
Posted by: Alan | November 19, 2009 at 11:53 AM
Men tend to change the most. Lose hair, go grey. My FB friends from high school look so old. Surely I don't look as old as them. Right?
Bitchy Mean Girl and I worked things out. She contacted me many years ago to apologize. We even got into a fist fight once in our sophmore year. Our feud all stemmed over a guy I'll call First Love. First Love lied and manipulated both of us. When we compared stories (18 years later) we realized how much he played us. I'm happy to be friends with her now because I would get all nervous at reunions when she was there. Now we hang out together.
Posted by: Sandra | November 19, 2009 at 01:29 PM
I've absolutely had this time warp thing happen. A blast from the past that I remember being so very young, geeky, awkward and woefully immature wrote me the most eloquent and articulate letter I have ever received. I had to read it three times before I believed it was from him and then I even thought, "Well, maybe his wife wrote it."
Posted by: Jane | November 19, 2009 at 02:41 PM
Oh yes. My first real boyfriend is still incredibly good looking, but it made me happy to see him so happy with his fiancee and kids. The guy after that? I was over the moon to see he was fat, bald, divorced and being sucked dry by his ex wife :)And the bitchy girls? They're currently complaining about how awful their lives are as mothers of 5+ kids with no career and a jerk for a husband. We may not be the world's richest family (not even in our dreams), but at least I'm happy. YAY!
Facebook can be evil but it can be so very very very vindicating too!
Posted by: Mad Woman | November 19, 2009 at 06:34 PM
-->It's Karma!!
Posted by: WebSavyMom | November 19, 2009 at 07:21 PM
LOL!!!! I went to my 30th high school reunion this past summer. I was a totally late bloomer in high school--no boobs til college and was stupid shy.
Now I have boobs & and am not shy.
BUT walking back into that room of THOSE people ....zoomed back 30 years .....stammered awkardly all evening. Sheesh!! WTF!
At least I still have boobs!
Feel better you great-looking twenty-four year old ...
Posted by: Laurie | November 19, 2009 at 09:55 PM
My Facebook time warp wasn't quite as hideous as yours, but it was enough for me to think... oh thank GAWD!
Posted by: Tricia | November 20, 2009 at 03:06 AM
Lynn ;)
Posted by: lynn | November 20, 2009 at 05:04 AM
I actually have 3 former girlfriends (4 if you count my wife) on FB and they all still look fantastic. I sure knew how to pick 'em! :-)
Posted by: Alan | November 20, 2009 at 05:24 AM