If you are reading this on Tuesday morning, you might be interested to know I've parked myself at the Money Town Starbucks for a couple hours. I'll be writing (and Tweeting) about what I observe while I'm there and hopefully have it published for tomorrow's post.
If you live in South Orange County and are familiar with the Money Town Starbucks, please stop by and say hello if you have the chance. I think I'll be arriving there sometime around 8 a.m. and staying for about two hours.
I really enjoyed my holiday weekend. I hope you did too!
I had all three of my kids home for the first half of the long weekend. For those of you who still have young kids, let me tell you it's quite a treat as they get older and you're able to have them all at home at the very same time.
I'm having a hard time believing this myself, but I'm now the mom of a 21 year old!
How the hell did THAT happen?
I gave birth as a three year old, that's how.
It's a miracle, plain and simple!
We spent the weekend celebrating my daughter's birthday. Celebrating involved a lot of tequila. Yes, I even did a few celebratory shots. (And no, I did not take any pain meds while drinking!)
I asked my daughter, "How can you be 21 when I'm only 24?"
She asked, "Mom, aren't you supposed to embrace getting older?"
I replied, "I suppose I will once I DO get older, but I'm still 24!"
She might have rolled her eyes and laughed.
(It must be tough explaining to your friends that your mom is only three years older than you.)
So, this is what I did over the last few days.
Beach - San Clemente this time:
Lunch at Fisherman's:
Margaritas at our favorite Mexican restaurant:
(Sorry, I had to cut everyone else out of this photo - and yes, this was straight from the beach, hence I look terrible!)
Not pictured: Tequila shots, dancing on table tops (you think I'm kidding?) and other forms of My Mom's Not a Great Role Model behavior.
Isn't it great when your kids get old enough so you can be an immature adult with them?
Ice cream birthday cake (I've blurred her name out of the photo):
Sipping coffee on our deck staring at my mountains:
A lot of time poolside:
I was very excited because I found a low-carb margarita mix which I enjoyed over the weekend. (So many people have asked me about this already on Twitter. It's made by Finest Call and is available at BevMo.)
I also made myself my own low-carb single serving cake which only had 6 carbs in it. Tequila doesn't have any carbs, although it does have calories and like all alcohol, it slows weight loss substantially. However, considering the weekend of partying and fun, I think I did quite well on my new low-carb style of eating. I didn't lose an ounce, but I didn't gain an ounce either and I consider that a success.
(By the way, I made the BEST dinner on the grill for Memorial Day - I may have to share the two recipes I used sometime soon. Nom nom nom!!!)
I also loved being back in the pool for the first time in months. The pool is the one place where I can move my arm a little more freely. It becomes weightless and the water lifts it for me. I love being in the pool because I feel "normal" again.
My arm is really weak and I've lost a lot of ground in both my strength and my range of motion. On Sunday I could only swim two laps (using a modified breaststroke) which is terrible, even for me. I grabbed a kick-board so I could rest my arm, and kicked my way through several more laps.
The good news? I was only a little sore from my first attempt at swimming this year. Maybe the new pain medication is beginning to kick in?! Let's hope!
Yesterday, I tried round two of swimming. I did quite a few more laps than the first day. And yes, I'm hurting a little more now, but still - much less than what I would expect for that level of activity.
I know it's too soon to know for sure ....
I'm afraid to even say this ... but I'm cautiously - hopeful.
Please, please, please let this medication work for me!
Please, please, please let this be a new beginning!
I'll be in the pool nearly every day for the next several months so I will continue to work on re-building strength in my arm.
All in all, it was a great holiday weekend.
Did you do anything fun and/or exciting for your weekend?
I'm nosy - I want to hear all about it!
© Twenty Four At Heart
People-watching at Money Town Starbucks sounds exactly like the kind of thing I'd love to do, looking forward to the account!
Posted by: Mo "Mad Dog" Stoneskin | June 01, 2010 at 01:06 AM
My son asked me if I would be too old to play with him when he is 25. Made me smile, just another 15 years to find out. Fifteen years ago I was barely engaged. Hard to believe that in fifteen more I'll be mid fifties.
Sounds like you had a great weekend, miracle mom. ;)
Posted by: Jack | June 01, 2010 at 01:12 AM
Holy crap! 21? And I thought *I* was a young mom! ;-)
Glad you had a good weekend. We have a long weekend coming up this weekend for the Queen's Birthday. It'll be raining and cold and miserable. Jealous yet?
Posted by: Mad Woman | June 01, 2010 at 01:45 AM
I was a Mom when I was about 6 weeks shy of turning 20. Waaay too young and can't imagine doing the 'Mom thing' at age 3.
Can't wait to hear about Starbucks. :-))
Posted by: di | June 01, 2010 at 02:30 AM
My daughter will be 21 in October. I, too, gave birth at three.. well, I was really eight, but what's a few years :-)
Glad you are finding some solid ground in gaining strength and controlling pain! Yes, be optimistic, whyevernot?
I rode my horse twice this weekend, we moved "stuff" from the current house to This Old House, moving day coming soon, and there was a family bar-b-q birthday celebration on Sunday for the "7"'s birthdays.. my mom was 70 and my nephew was 7, Uncle was 67 - we had a "7" cake.
Posted by: Karen | June 01, 2010 at 03:16 AM
I totally forgot about the long weekend in the US of A...Until I started reading all the blog posts about days off. :)
Posted by: Deidre | June 01, 2010 at 03:25 AM
Your weekend sounds really fun. My fingers remain crossed for your pain meds. Happy birthday to your daughter!
Posted by: Maureen@IslandRoar | June 01, 2010 at 05:11 AM
I'm wondering how your daughter is going to explain it when she's *older* than you...
SO GLAD the pain meds seem to be kicking in and that you're able to exercise your arm without unbearable levels of pain! I'll be interested to hear about your next encounter with the new PT.
Posted by: Jan | June 01, 2010 at 05:52 AM
-->I had a great weekend at a pig roast on Saturday and then at my parents' lake house on Sunday before heading back to the beach on Monday. I'm slowly posting pictures on the blog.
Love the ones you posted.
Posted by: WebSavvyMom | June 01, 2010 at 08:19 AM
Sounds like a grt weekend. We were cooking out with family! Kind of boring compared to you. : )
Posted by: Tami | June 01, 2010 at 09:35 AM