I've recently realized I have almost no photos of my life growing up. I'm sure a few photos must have been taken ... but where are they now?
It's as if I didn't exist until I reached my twenties. And then, of course, once I hit 24 I became camera shy.
My son's girlfriend invited him to her high school's Winter Formal last weekend. They had a great time. I was honored to be selected as their photographer for the event. (And yes, I did rouse myself out of my sick bed to perform photographer duties.)
Have I mentioned I love photography?
I don't share photos of my kids here, but I think the following photos all protect my son's privacy. (You know, so he can post all the ones showing his face on Facebook instead of me posting them on Twenty Four At Heart.) If you were following me on Twitter last weekend, you may have already seen some of these.
My son, of course, is the one who opted to wear sneakers with his tux. He can't help himself, he inherited the casual gene from me.
Waiting for their friends to arrive for a photo session.
The flowers:
The wrist corsage, and my son's boutineer, were made by the same florist so they matched perfectly. Very pretty!
I wish I had photos from the dances I went to as a teen.
At least I know my son will have these to look back on.
Beautiful. I'm sure he'll love looking back on these.
Posted by: Michelle | February 07, 2011 at 02:44 AM
I can tell from that last photo that your son resembles you!...love these shots. I have very few photos of me in my teens, it's as if my parents boycotted the whole era. Usually I'm the one behind the camera too... and a few years back I started thinking, you know it would be nice if there was some documentation that I was part of this family too!..and I have asked, just a few times, for someone to snap the shot instead of me.
Posted by: karen | February 07, 2011 at 05:08 AM
-->Great photos!
I was the third child, there are hardly any pictures of me growing up.
Posted by: WebSavvyMom | February 07, 2011 at 06:03 AM
Wow! Great shots!
Posted by: Kelly | February 07, 2011 at 08:27 AM
Mysterious and enigmatic - just the way young people like to be. I love the Black and White as a means of making them arty and the one with just a dose of colour.
Posted by: Freda | February 07, 2011 at 09:50 AM
I don't think you did any favours to the girl in the first shot.
Posted by: DuchessOmnium | February 07, 2011 at 02:44 PM
Other than being slightly green with envy at your photography skills (the most challenging picture I've taken lately is of a dish of barbecue sauce), I'd like to ask: Don't girls wear long dresses to formal dances anymore? And what's with the Converse sneakers??
Posted by: Jan | February 07, 2011 at 03:14 PM
Very nice. My daughter just asked if there will be pictures of her and her date. I said only if it shows daddy's gun.
I am learning that they grow up quickly. Can't picture mine being as big as yours.
Posted by: Jack | February 07, 2011 at 03:52 PM
Fantastic job. Love these!
Posted by: Tami | February 07, 2011 at 04:22 PM