• First things first, the winner of Friday's contest was Pam. And since more than one Pam entered the contest, it was the Pam with the following comment:
Happy Friday to you too! I hope you get your laptop back soon. The sun is shining here today--Thank God!!! Finally. :)
Have a great weekend.
Pam, when you send me the email address you prefer, I will have your Amazon $50.00 gift card emailed directly to you.
Thank you to everyone who participated.
• Rooster Feather Controversy - After posting about my feather hair extension, a few readers contacted me to inform me roosters are being killed just to support this latest fashion craze. However, I was also contacted by a hair stylist who told me most salons are using human hair extensions colored to look like feathers. My take away on the matter is this - ask your stylist where his/her feathers come from if you plan to get a feather added to your hair.
• My laptop is back! Woo hoo! You probably already figured that out since I was able to post photos over the weekend.
• I was all over Orange County last weekend.
As it usually is ....
Did you know people photoshop sun rays into their photos a lot?
I did not photoshop the above sun rays. Also, I never photoshop fake sun rays.
Just sayin' ....
• The highlight of the weekend was attending a very special wedding on Balboa Island in Newport Beach. The reception was held at the Balboa Yacht Club and the bride arrived to the reception by boat.
She looked gorgeous!
The wedding photographer went missing just prior to the bride's arrival at the reception. I was asked to fill in and take shots of her arrival, etc. I was honored and the photos came out great.
How could they not, with such a beautiful bride?
© Twenty Four At Heart
Yay! Your laptop is back!!
The bride is, indeed, beautiful - I love the shot! Just stunning.
Posted by: Jan | June 13, 2011 at 04:30 AM
Suz, I think the "roosters are being killed" theory doesnt hold much water. First off, feathers are shed naturally, and also It does not KILL a rooster even if you pull the feathers out, they just grow more.
Also, I spent some time looking at this new fad at the hair show here in FL. and They are not made our of hair, they are fine strips of feather that are made to look all kinds of different colors and patterns. I personally sleep on six goosedown pillows, and never gave a thought to birds beings killed for their down. Why would they kill the source of the feathers?? In reality though, I dont have hard facts. I will go do my research now!
Posted by: Joanne | June 13, 2011 at 04:47 AM
I've never heard of Photoshopping sun rays... that's just wrong... LOL
Cock a doodly doo doo to you!
Posted by: Di | June 13, 2011 at 05:23 AM
Beautiful bride! How fun!
Posted by: Catherine | June 13, 2011 at 12:41 PM
Hooray! I'm so excited to have won. Thank you!
What a great picture from the wedding. Beautiful!
Have a great day.
Posted by: Pam | June 14, 2011 at 07:36 AM