Hello Internet ...!
I've been posting daily, but I haven't been a very attentive blogger.
My daughter is visiting from Boston right now and I've found myself doing the bare minimum to get by in the wild-world-of-the-web. She's only here for a few more days, and then I'll resume a more normal routine.
Several of you have asked to buy photos I haven't yet posted to my photo site. I apologize for the delay, and promise to get my more recent photos uploaded in just a few days. I wanted to let you know she's visiting and that's why I've fallen so behind.
She and I have been busy doing girl things.
Monochrome photo of my daughter looking out at the (Pacific) ocean.
We've been shopping, and visiting, and walking along the beach(es). She's been very homesick for our beaches.
Oh, and "good Mexican food" also ....
In a few weeks I'll be making a trip to Boston to visit her. It's a trip I planned nearly a year ago, long before she scheduled this trip to California. I'm hoping to see some fall leaves when I go. We don't get much in the way of fall leaves here.
My big concern is the fact I don't own a coat, and don't want to buy one for such a short visit to the east coast. Will I freeze my ass off? Probably.
I just bought some non-sandals in preparation for going east. She tells me I'd "freeze" if I wore flip flops in Boston at the end of October.
Pffffft ....!
© Twenty Four At Heart
Buy a coat too.. You'll freeze. believe me.
Posted by: karen | October 07, 2011 at 03:58 AM
Socks will help keep you from freezing in those non-sandals too. Oh and a scarf! ;-) Does daughter have a coat you can borrow while there? Seems a shame to buy something that bulky that will take up so much room in your suitcase. Have an amazing time!!!
Posted by: Linda P | October 07, 2011 at 06:13 AM
Layers! And a scarf. Hopefully that's all you'll need. I love the fingerless gloves because they keep your hands warm but let you function with your gloves on. Boston is a great city to visit. I wanted to visit Sissy in VA this fall so we could photograph the foliage. But airfares are just too high.....*sigh* maybe next year. Enjoy your girl time.
Posted by: Denise | October 07, 2011 at 06:29 AM
YEs... you will freeze your ass off without a coat. Get one. Socks too!
Posted by: Di | October 07, 2011 at 06:38 AM
What everyone else said. Coat. Mandatory in Boston at the end of October. Buy one.
Posted by: Jan | October 07, 2011 at 07:49 AM
How about a colorful trench coat? Very on trend and light enough for Southern California. Then layer with a sweater, scarf and gloves.
Posted by: Missy | October 07, 2011 at 10:27 AM
Or, if you and your daughter can wear the same size coat, have her pick out one she likes in Boston and buy it before you get there, you wear it while you're there and leave it with her when you go. And maybe some extra socks too!
You're going to need both for sure, but only while you're there, and I'll bet she can use them after that...
Posted by: Cathy B | October 07, 2011 at 05:21 PM