I hope you had a nice weekend!
I've had house guests here for the last five days. Even the best house guests are exhausting, don't you think?
Or maybe I'm just old.
I feel like I need to be Happy! And Up! And Chatty! And Cooking! And Cleaning! And Entertaining! all day long every single day while they're here.
It's so much easier to be grouchy, and lazy ....
In the theme of laziness, I thought I'd give you a few random updates today.
1. Whirlpool came out five days earlier than expected and fixed my "failed" three and a half year old front-loading washing machine. I was thrilled with their earlier-than-expected response time. The final cost of the repairs was over $1,600 and Whirlpool charged me nothing. I haven't written about the repair, because I wanted to use the machine for a week or so, and make sure it continued to work. It has, but the other day I found water sitting in the empty tub, again. The repair people had told me this happens when the pump fails and they just replaced the pump so I don't know what the deal is. It's only happened once. Maybe it was some weird fluke?
I'll contact Whirlpool once my guests leave to take a look at it if it happens again. The important thing is, I can do laundry again including the daily cleaning of my son's always-filthy baseball uniform.
Thank you Whirlpool!
This is what my son's uniform pants looked like five minutes into his game last Friday:
And that is why I need to do laundry every night!
2. Several of you have asked why I might be traveling to Cambodia. I've been invited by the Plasticos Foundation to travel with them to document and photograph a medical mission in June. It isn't definite yet whether I'll be able to attend, but I'm working hard on the details in an attempt to take them up on this amazing opportunity. As you may recall, the foundation travels to third world countries and performs life-changing surgeries to aid people with birth defects, malformations, and disfigurements caused by trauma. In addition to changing the lives of the patients they attend, they also train the doctors in the countries they visit. The doctors they train are then able to continue helping patients after the American medical team has departed.
Everyone who travels with the Plasticos Foundation is required to work, and non-medical personnel are not normally permitted on these trips. I'm incredibly honored they've invited me to come along to record this medical mission (with both my writing and my photography). I'll let you know, as soon as I know, if I'm able to pull off the logistics to make this trip happen.
3. It was pretty hot here this weekend. Some of us will do anything we can think of to cool off.
He sits on the "beach" area of our pool to cool off. Then he wades in and swims. Then he sits back down on the beach for awhile. He thinks it's his swimming pool. (And for those who have asked in the past, we brush him daily so the pool doesn't end up full of dog hair.)
4. I spent Saturday afternoon at Fashion Island in Newport Beach.
Fashion Island is an outdoor, swanky, high-end, mall. You can see the ocean from the mall. A Nordstrom store just opened at Fashion Island on Friday. In spite of the fact we have several other Nordstrom stores in Orange County, the entire OC seemed to show up for this big (!) excitement.
Personally, I went to people-watch. I rarely buy anything at Fashion Island, but it may be the best people-watching anywhere in The OC.
However, this trip I dog-watched instead.
I've never seen so many dogs inside a department store in my life. I counted twenty five dogs inside the brand new Nordstrom store during the short time I was there. (And that was just on the ground level!) I'm not talking (only) about little, tiny, dogs either. Several of the dogs began growling and barking at each other and the owners just laughed as if it were all very amusing.
Two dogs started to fight in the shoe department.
Seriously, Orange County?
I'm a total, complete, dog lover and I found it ridiculous, inappropriate, and annoying.
One dog ran in circles around me wrapping its leash around my ankles. What would happen if that same thing occurred with an elderly person and they fell? And what happens when someone gets bit by a dog while buying their $2,000 designer purse? Does Nordstrom want those lawsuits?
Not to mention, some people are allergic or afraid of dogs.
What the hell Orange County? Do you really feel so entitled, you don't think you need to concern yourself with the well being of the other people around you?
And Nordstrom, what are you thinking allowing dogs in your stores? If they aren't guide-dogs/canine companions, they shouldn't be there. It's not the beach, it's a department store.
Oh wait, I forgot, dogs aren't allowed on most beaches here either. So why are they allowed in our department stores?
5. My arm is bad. Very, very bad. The pain is the worst it has been in months, and I've lost a lot of function since The Torturer stopped treating me in February. It's very discouraging. And painful. And did I mention ... painful? I've put it off for as long as I can, I'm going to have to call my doc this week and get back into treatment. You have no idea how overwhelming the very thought is. Or how depressing. Or discouraging. And did I mention it has been very painful? As in, waking-me-up-several-times-each-night painful? Ugh .....!!!
6. Hummingbirds live in Orange County year round. They're definitely thirstier once the weather warms up though. I was sitting out by the pool yesterday afternoon and they kept buzzing around my head. I don't know why, but they always make me smile.
I like to think our yard is a friendly place for them to hang out.
© Twenty Four At Heart
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